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Law of Attraction : How to Get Anything You Want

Writer: Mansi JainMansi Jain

Updated: Dec 2, 2020

Law of Attraction is viewed sceptically by many but I believe it definitely works if some steps are taken correctly. Law of Attraction is an Universal rule which states that when you are in sync with your belief, you manifest what you want to. Everything starts with our thought, thought becomes our belief, belief becomes our words, words become action and when you take action, you manifest what you want to. But Law of Attraction is mistaken with wishful thinking where by it is believed that when you start imagining what you want, it will magically appear in front of you! But in reality it doesn't work like that. Your behaviour has to match what you want to manifest, you have to take action, you have to work your way to have things in life. Let's see some of the easy steps that can help you to manifest anything you want:

1. Identify Your Beliefs

First identify your beliefs. What are your core beliefs regarding your vision. For example, you want to become rich, so try to analyse what are your beliefs regarding rich people or being rich. If you have a belief that rich people are mean, cruel, selfish and having more money will bring lot of evil in your life then that is what you are gonna attract. You won't attract money as you think that money brings evil in life. Your subconscious has thoughts like, "If I have more money, I will become mean, cruel and selfish person". So these beliefs will hinder you becoming a rich person. You need to transform these beliefs. See examples where rich people are kind, generous and are using money for the good in the World. I will talk more on transforming beliefs in the coming posts.

2. Journaling

Writing is a powerful tool of Law of Attraction. Whatever you want to have is just a thought right now. Writing it down makes it a physical reality. Journaling is nothing but writing your thoughts and beliefs regarding a vision you want to achieve. When you write your dreams, chances of achieving them becomes high! Always write what you want to have; not what you don't want to have. For example, never write like this, "I don't want negative people around me". Universe doesn't understand this language. It will give you more negative people around you that you don't want to have. Instead write, "I want to have positive & uplifting people around me".

3. Vision Board

Another step to make your Dreams a physical reality is to make a Vision Board or a Moot Board. It is a collection of photos of your Dreams and Goals. I will write in detail in a separate post on How to make a Vision Board. But in short, collect photos of your dreams in every category like Profession, Personal Life, Health, Travel, Creativity. Paste them on a big paper and put this board on a wall where you look frequently. This Vision Board, reprograms our subconscious mind gradually which helps us to manifest what we desire. You can make a digital version of this and put as your phone or desktop wallpaper but I believe that physical works the best!

4. Gratitude

I strongly believe in the quote, "What you appreciate, appreciates!" This means that, the more you are grateful for what you have, the more it will increase. We take so many things for granted, but when we start thanking the Universe for the abundance we already have, the more it will increase. So if you want to have something in life, thank the Universe as if you already have. The chances of manifesting it fast will be High!

5. Affirmations

Positive affirmations are for our subconscious like the food is to our body. When you feed your mind with affirmations like you deserve to have your Vision, only then you will manifest your dreams. For example, you want to manifest promotion in your job, if subconsciously you believe that you don't deserve to have promotion, you won't be having it despite having talent and capability. I am not talking about systemic challenges that hinder growth of well deserving positive people. I will talk about that in a separate post, but here I am talking about the scenario, where you deserve promotion and there is no hindrance in getting it but the only problem is that you don't believe that you deserve promotion. Here is where affirmations can help you rewire your programing to manifest what you want. Affirmations are positive statements like, "I am worthy, I am powerful, I love myself, I deserve the Best" etc. Either writing it, or listening to affirmations before sleeping and after waking up can help you tremendously!

6. Behave Like You Already Have

Suppose you want to have a body like that of an athlete. If you just keep thinking about it, Nothing will happen! You have to start behaving like you already have that kind of a body. Think about the athletes, what lifestyle do they have, what exercise regimes they follow to maintain their body? What kind of diet they have? Behave as if you have already become that athlete! When you start taking action in the present, as if you already have the athletic body and follow the same regime, exercises & diet, you will manifest what you desire quickly!

7. Take Action

Make an action plan in which your action steps are clearly stated. Also important is to mention the timeline within which you want to achieve the target. Without action, you won't manifest anything. There is no genie, who will magically fulfill your every wish in an instant. The only genie is your thought which has to be accompanied by belief, words, behaviour and action for the wish to come true!

8. Set the Right Intention

Whatever your dream or desire is, it should be based on an intention which is not only good for you but also for others. If your intention is based on your own interest and it harms others in the process, you may get what you want but you won't have peace by having it. For example, you might want to become rich fast. So you have written it down but if your action plan is to rob someone in order to become rich, you might become rich in the short term quickly, but in the long term it will have very bad consequences. Hence, set intention with the vision of benefiting everybody and no one can stop you from achieving it with long term happiness!

These points are just the tip of the iceberg regarding Law of Attraction! In the coming posts, I will go in depth regarding these. Make sure you subscribe to my newsletter to get notified for my new posts. Which is your favorite point among the ones mentioned above? Comment below and share your knowledge!

Recommended Reading

The Secret (English) Paperback – 2019 by By Rhonda Byrne.

Rahasya (Hindi)

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